The Kennedy Forum (TKF) seeks systemic transformation for mental health and substance use (MH/SU) prevention, treatment, and care. The organization draws on strong relationships with key leaders and partners to create action around MH/SUD policies and issues, including insurance coverage inequities and the escalating youth mental health crisis.

Co-founded by former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy, who led a coalition of diverse stakeholders to pass the bipartisan Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, and his wife, Amy L. Kennedy, the nonprofit plays a distinct role as a catalyst, creating visibility and connectedness for movements of change.

In 2023, The Kennedy Forum launched the Alignment for Progress initiative to supercharge the collective wins and common goals of new and existing stakeholders. Inviting participation from MH/SUD advocates, business leaders, insurers, elected officials, philanthropists, venture capitalists, government agencies, and leaders, the movement is collectively working toward a bold vision. The 90-90-90 goals for 2033 are: 90% of the population is screened for MH/SUD, 90% who need it receive quality treatment, and 90% manage symptoms and achieve recovery.

The broad vision of these goals calls for a coordinated effort, within communities nationwide and at the federal level. To get there, TKF sought Commitment Makers to own and advance distinct objectives over time. Today, more than 100 organizations have signed on to reverse our nation’s course on MH/SUD and achieve better care for all.


2023 Impact Report

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