Attorney Mental Health & Substance Use: A Call To Action | The Kennedy Forum

Attorney Mental Health & Substance Use: A Call To Action

Date: September 9, 2016
Time: 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM (CT)
Location: Chicago Cut Steakhouse, 300 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago

The Kennedy Forum and the Lawyers’ Assistance Program invite you to a breakfast addressing mental health and addiction issues in the legal profession. Proceeds from this event will help the Illinois Lawyers’Assistance Program provide additional treatment assistance, and support The Kennedy Forum Illinois’ mission to end stigma against mental illness and addiction. A landmark study released by the American Bar Association and conducted by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association’s Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs revealed substantial and widespread levels of problem drinking and other behavioral health problems in the U.S. legal profession. Published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the study found 21% of licensed, employed attorneys qualify as problem drinkers, 28% struggle with some level of depression and 19% demonstrate symptoms of anxiety.

Space is limited. Please reserve your seat before August 19.

To register for this event, please e-mail or fax Stacey Smith at: or 312-278-0162. With any questions, call 312-600-9496.

Individual tickets may also be purchased online.