Submitting Comments

The comment period closes October 2, 2023.


We encourage organizations to submit comments on both the Parity proposed rule and the “Technical Release,” which provides federal agencies with feedback on what mental health and substance use disorder data health plans should be required to submit.

Comments for the proposed Parity rule must be submitted to the federal government here.

The Kennedy Forum has created template comments on both the proposed Parity rule and the Technical Release that can be customized to an organization’s specific needs. These templates are available here.

Comments about the Technical Release should be emailed to


We also encourage individuals to submit comments on why the proposed Parity rule is so important. Individuals may also use this portal to easily submit comments. Individuals can customize their comments and share why parity is important to them.

Social Media Toolkit

Social media copy and graphics are available here. This toolkit will be updated and distributed as the rulemaking process continues and after the comment period closes.