Congress Must Act for Mental Health During Lame Duck Session

The U.S. Congress is in a “lame duck” session between the midterm elections and the beginning of the new Congress, but there are still several critical mental health bills that have yet to be passed. The Kennedy Forum has joined our Mental Health Liaison Group partners in calling on Congress to advance these bills. From expanding services in Medicaid and Medicare, to furthering telehealth and parity, we cannot afford to leave these vital reforms on the table.We encourage you to contact your members of Congress today on and urge them to act.
In other News…
The Kennedy Forum joined our partners in applauding the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights for amending rule 42 CFR Part 2 this week. The reform has removed discriminatory restrictions on sharing of substance use disorder (SUD) medical records that created barriers to accessing SUD care. The Kennedy Forum has long been a part of The Partnership to Amend 42 CFR Part 2 led by the Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness. This reform is a huge win for equity in mental health and substance use disorders. More here.