Resources | The Kennedy Forum


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APA Parity Poster

Federal law is clear that insurers can no longer discriminate against patients with mental illness, including substance use. But how many people know...

Resource guide

Health in Mind: A Philanthropic Guide for Mental Health and Addiction

This guide from the Penn Center for High Impact Philanthropy identifies approaches that are most effective at preventing, treating, and supporting the...

Resource guide

Healing the Nation: Advancing Mental Health and Addiction Policy

This guide from Well Being Trust provides federal policymakers with actionable solutions at every possible entry point, including comprehensive, inclu...

Resource guide

Mental Health Media Guide

The Mental Health Media Guide is a groundbreaking, comprehensive resource for content creators designed to help expand positive mental health portraya...

Resource guide

988 Toolkit

In 2020 Congress approved 988 to transform how we serve people facing a mental health crisis by providing a safe, easy-to-remember alternative to 911.

Resource guide

COVID-19 Pandemic: How Can I Help?

The online toolkit includes strategies for effective giving, urgent needs to address now, and nonprofits to support.

Resource guide

2022 Ensuring Coverage of Behavioral Health Emergency Emergency Services Brief

The Kennedy Forum's brief breaks down policy options for state and federal legislators to ensure the full continuum of crisis care is built out and fu...

Issue brief

The Health Insurance Appeals Guide

This Guide details important information that consumers, providers and other stakeholders need to know when filing appeals for denials of MH/SUD treat...

Resource guide

Depression, PTSD, & Other Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: Your Legal Rights

If you have depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or another mental health condition, you are protected against discrimination and harass...

Finding help